About Me

Name: Yong Li
Contact: liyongforevercas(at)163.com
Born: 1989, China
Social Media: Google Scholar Weibo Linkedin


2020.06 -- Now, Team leader, focus on advertisement targeting and ranking in item feed, Business Growth BU, JD.com
2016.09 -- 2020.06, Recommendation team, focus on advertisement targeting, Business Growth BU, JD.com
2011.09 -- 2016.07, PHD degree, NLPR, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA)
2015.05 -- 2015.08, Intern in Alimama, mainly working on modeling the time factor and anti-spam for CTR prediction.
2014.12 -- 2015.04, Intern in SenseTime, mainly realizing the real-time face detection system.
2007.09 -- 2011.07, Bachelor, Advanced Class at Electroics and Information Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology(HUST)


Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Computational advertising


KDD Cup 2020 Challenges for Modern E-Commerce Platform: Debiasing, Rank 3/1895 in Track A, 4/1895 in Track B, 2020
Winner of Scene Parsing in Places Challenge at ICCV COCO Places Workshop, 2017
"First Prize" in the Challenger Match of Alibaba Large-scale Image Search Challenge (ALISC), Total Rank 5/800+, Team Leader,2015.11
"Second Place" in the ImageCLEF Annotation Task to annotate and localize 500,000 web images with 251 concepts, Team Leader,2015
"The First-Class Scholarship" of PanDeng prize (6/500+), 2015
“Merit Student” award was received (15%), 2012, 2014
“Excellent Student Leader” award was received (2%), 2012
"National Encouragement Scholarship" was received, 2010
"Microsoft young fellowship" was honored (30 in total around the country), 2010
First Prize in Chinese Undergraduate Mathematical Contests in Modeling(CUMCM), Team Leader,2009.